Dearest friends & furfriends, I put a spell on you because you’re mine. ✨✨ What did you enjoy most about Halloween? With loving regards Poncho Elf #dogcostumes #dogofwisdom #ilovethisdog #dog4life #dogblog #dogbestfriend #doglivesmatter @betty200911 @roxy_thediva @hugh.heppner ‍♂Magical Dog Poncho‍♂

Dearest friends & furfriends, I put a spell on you because you’re mine. ✨✨ What did you enjoy most about Halloween? With loving regards Poncho Elf #dogcostumes #dogofwisdom #ilovethisdog #dog4life #dogblog #dogbestfriend #doglivesmatter @betty200911 @roxy_thediva @hugh.heppner ‍♂Magical Dog Poncho‍♂