Dear friends and furfriends, Life is an adventure Never be afraid of Getting your paws wet ⛵ ☁⛵☕ Which activity seems to be pretty fun to your dog or other pets? Please share Yours Poncho Elf #chihuahuasea #funnydogpic #cleverchihuahua #happychihuahua #dogmodellife #realdoglife #pocketdog #toyinfluencer #mydoglovesme #activedoglife #dogsarelove #dogsfashion

Dear friends and furfriends, Life is an adventure Never be afraid of Getting your paws wet ⛵ ☁⛵☕ Which activity seems to be pretty fun to your dog or other pets? Please share Yours Poncho Elf #chihuahuasea #funnydogpic #cleverchihuahua #happychihuahua #dogmodellife #realdoglife #pocketdog #toyinfluencer #mydoglovesme #activedoglife #dogsarelove #dogsfashion